We are pleased to announce that from now on DDDebug is available as product TMS MemInsight from https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/tmsmeminsight.asp. DDObjects teamed up with TMS software to jointly further develop and market the product now named TMS MemInsight. By joining forces, we strongly believe we can further continue to make TMS MemInsight an even more valuable Delphi add-on tool available for a wider audience of Delphi developers.
Users who purchased DDDebug in the past year automatically get a TMS MemInsight license. Please contact me at stefan@ddobjects.de. For users with an older license, contact sales@tmssoftware.com for an attractive upgrade offer. Users which do not want to upgrade will still receive updates for DDDebug regarding new Delphi versions here.
For technical support, the TMS team is ready to help you via the TMS Support Center https://support.tmssoftware.com
We are happy that with this new direction, we will be able to help you better and bring exciting new develpments for you!